Editorial Note: AISGSC 2019

L. Ashok Kumar, R. Latha


This special issue focuses on the papers published in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid and Smart City Applications (AISGSC-2019) that took place in PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India in January 2019. Now a days, Cities are facing significant challenges in coping with aging infrastructure, increasing carbon emissions, energy consumption, and complexity in traffic conditions. Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by the Government of India with the mission to develop 100 cities across the country making them citizen friendly and sustainable. The Union Ministry of Urban Development is implementing the mission in collaboration with the State Governments of the respective cities. The major functions to focus in implementing smart city applications are: i) creation of smart platform, ii) monitoring and basic analytics, iii) deep analytics, iv) smart control v) instant interaction with user via applications and iv) integrating several solutions into a single bundle. Therefore, in AISGSC 2019, it was decided to give the following themes in call for papers: Electrical Power Systems Engineering, Communication Systems Engineering, Control Systems and Wearable electronics, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing, IoT and Cyber Physical Systems, Text, Image and Video Analytics, Networking and Cyber Security, High Performance and Distributed Systems, Embedded & VLSI Systems and Applications.

The conference attracted experts from all over the world, and proved to be an excellent forum to communicate and discuss various research findings and innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid, Smart City and related areas. We, the editors of this special issue, believed that we could rope-in good quality journals to publish the work done by researchers. AISGSC 2019 is conducted in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology Thailand and National Institute of Technology, Indonesia and technically supported by Springer, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals, Indian Green Building Council, Computer Society of India (Coimbatore Chapter), Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA-Coimbatore Chapter) and Institution of Engineers India (IEI). The recommendations about the papers related to electrical energy are given by various experts involved in the conference programme was summarized and communicated to this special issue. The articles included in this issue provide the good quality of work in the broad field of Electrical Power Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing. This Journal provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of optimization of power generation, parameter optimization of FACTS devices, power analysis of smart grids, and performance analysis of DSTATCOM and power quality compensators.


Professor Dr. L. Ashok Kumar

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore-641 004, Tamilnadu

Email address: lak.eee@psgtech.ac.in


Associate Professor Dr. R. Latha

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore-641 004, Tamilnadu

Email address: rla.eee@psgtech.ac.in

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